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Polka Dots: New Girl

I love the television show New Girl. I have no idea why it brings me such pure joy, but it absolutely does to the point that anyone who is really close to me can tell when I’m watching it. For television shows, I primarily watch comedies. I prefer my television without the side of crying over characters’ death. As everyone sobs over This Is Us, I think, “oh, absolutely not.” I watch television as an escape, not as a means of reliving my dad’s death once a week.

On the surface level, it would be easy to assume I love the show because I relate to Jess. We have held similar jobs, and she does have winter coats in all of the best colors. Beyond that though, I relate to her character the least. I’m not quirky. I’m not immediately friendly. I simply do not have her earnestness. I do have Coach’s competitiveness and his very loud voice that carries. I have Winston’s tendency for weird pranks. At any given time, I have the seeds for about five different ones planted. Sometimes, I forget that I laid the groundwork for one. Like CeCe, I’m not really lacking in confidence. I don’t hate a change of direction, and I’m exceptionally good at just asking people for things. Every once in awhile, I will manage to pull off a real feat, and inevitably, someone asks me how I did it. I wish I could give a cooler or more James Bond like answer, but the reality is that I just don’t mind asking for things I want or need. Without question, I have Nick Miller’s lack of organizational skills and skepticism about overly friendly people. While I absolutely believe in banks and healthcare, I will say that it took me longer than it should have to come around on the stock market. I’m not a gambler. I like my money where I can see it, preferably in clothes and shoes in my closet. In that regard, I’m very much a Schmidt. I do appreciate quality, and I’m definitely willing to pay for it. I know Schmidt’s odd bathroom routine is supposed to be overdone, but I use a minimum of three shampoos when I wash my hair. Who am I to judge?

More than anything, as I have gotten older, I appreciate that the show depicts friends as family because its relatable to me. I don’t really live close to family, and COVID has definitely made it difficult/impossible to travel to see my grandma or any high risk family members, so as the last almost two years have unfolded, I do lean on seeing friends more frequently and talking to them more often.

Cost: One Netflix Subscription which looks to start as low as $8.99

Happiness Level: *9/10. If I could bottle the show up and carry it around with me, I probably would have done so already.

*I think we all know what will earn the perfect 10

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