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Letter 3: Shattered but Stronger

To the First Person Who Broke My Heart,

You made me feel self conscious. You made me aware of what other people think of me.

You fat-shamed me.

I don't even know if you know what you were doing at the time. A quick jab or a quick joke could never hurt anyone, right? It's not like you were trying destroy me. I mean, we were only in the 5th grade. But, everything that happened then affected me for the next eight years of my life. All of the sudden, I was too scared to wear a bikini to the beach. I forced myself to try toxic diets that cut out major food groups at a time. I compared myself to every model on every magazine, and, even, every girl that I came into contact with. I thought I had to be skinny and perfect in order for everyone to like me.

Thank goodness for all of the positive support and people that I surrounded myself with growing up. Each person took a piece of me that you shattered and put it back in place - this time stronger and better than before. In a way, you taught me a lesson. I will never let anyone have that much power over me ever again. The models that live on the covers of those magazines don't mean anything. As long as I love myself and am surrounded by the people I love, who also love me for me, then I have something really good.

I only hope that you find the same. You have no sympathy from me, but I wish you the best as you continue life. More positively than in the past, I hope.



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