"Look at everything that happens in your life as the best possible thing to happen to you; everything is aligned and happening for a reason." Allie
"There is more than one way to accomplish a goal." Bethany
"The older you get, the further you go, the more you learn that nobody knows what the hell they’re doing." Brian
"Always ask 'why' and never be afraid to say 'no.'" Cara
"Spend as much time in nature as you can! It’s good for the soul!" Christi
"Think global; act local." Danielle
"'You have every right to a beautiful life.' Selena Gomez" David
"Do not compare yourself to others, especially if it is to highlight your own perceived shortcomings." Fiona
"If you can't do better, do different." Jeremy
"You can’t make everyone happy all the time, and it’s okay if you are the one you choose to make happy from time to time." Kelly
"Never underestimate the power of your words; what we say and how we say it can have a tremendous impact on someone else, both positively and negatively." Kevin
"Saying no when you simply don't want to is ok." Kristin
"Don't take any crap from anyone." Louis
"Always be kind to others even if they aren’t kind to you." Maria
"Your life is filled with inherent meaning: Live with purpose and in service to others." Mike
“Inevitably, life is going to knock you down; what matters is how you stand back up and who is standing with you.” Me!
“Be kind to your parents, even during your rebellious teenage years, because you’ll regret your mean words and actions once they’re gone.” Olivia
"In life, you may win some, you may lose some, but you live to fight another day." Rasheed
"Being kind will get you further than being impatient or mean." Seth
"Live your best meaningful life." Taylor
“You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose.” Theresa
"People are more resilient than you give them credit for; there’s an infinite number of ways to have a happy life." Zach