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37 Thing I've Learned in 37 Years

  1. I will never make everyone happy simultaneously.

  2. I have never regretted the things I have said, but I do regret some of the things I didn’t say.

  3. I’m the company I keep. I’ve gotten better at restricting insecurity, hatred, and toxicity from my life. Those three qualities appear together more frequently than I initially realized.

  4. I should have taken more pictures with my parents. I wish I had more pictures of them.

  5. My time is my most valuable possession.

  6. There are simply days or periods of time where life is hard.

  7. It’s okay to find a reason to laugh on the hard days. It’s also okay to get back under the covers on a hard day.

  8. Sometimes, I don’t have the emotional bandwidth to deal with other people’s problems and that's okay.

  9. Passive aggressiveness is a waste of time, and I don’t like my time being wasted.

  10. Love is a choice that I make repeatedly, and the people who love me have to make that same choice repeatedly.

  11. There is no such thing as too many snuggles with my dog.

  12. Taylor Swift got a lot of things right at a shockingly young age.

  13. If I’m invited to a table, I know to bring something to it.

  14. I really don’t need to die on every battlefield.

  15. If I do step foot on a battlefield, it’s because I’ve done my homework and am fairly confident that I can win or make a point.

  16. I’m aging like wine, and I certainly don’t hate that journey for me. Thank you for the solid genes, parents.

  17. Life is entirely too short to be taken seriously all of the time.

  18. I will 100% lie about watching a television show or movie if I think it will prevent someone from trying to get me to watch said show or movie. If it has been out for awhile, it's either on my list or I don't want to see it.

  19. I don’t know everything. Most days, I’m fairly certain I don’t know anything.

  20. I’m forever grateful to my parents for giving me a really great childhood. It couldn’t have been easy on them.

  21. I’m lucky that I have known some of my favorite people for so long. A good friend is everything.

  22. I don't know about you, but I definitely am not feeling 22.

  23. I’m shockingly resilient. I think most people would be surprised by how resilient they are.

  24. Whomever said, “if you do something you love, you will never work a day in your life.” lied. I know the difference between downtime and work.

  25. I’m past the age where I feel like I need to smile to make myself approachable. If my resting face feels unapproachable to you, that feels like more of a you problem than a me problem.

  26. I’m lucky that I have a mentor who believes in me and who has known me for a very long time. I’m smart enough to keep that person in my life.

  27. The words “thank you” never go out of style or season.

  28. It takes me about six years to make major life decisions. If you’re going to ask me to make one, I need some lead time on that.

  29. I love fiercely. I’m very protective of the people I love.

  30. I’m a little too good at pretending I don’t have problems and diverting my focus to solving other people’s problems instead.

  31. I've never cheated because I think it's a sign of weak character.

  32. What goes around comes around, and while I don't want to be in the fight, I definitely don’t mind watching it happen from the sidelines. With popcorn.

  33. I like an adventure. I like planning adventures.

  34. I don't know if I will ever feel more at peace than I do in or on the water.

  35. There will never be a day where I don’t think about or miss my dad.

  36. I don’t think I will be ever be done growing up and changing, but the younger versions of me stay with me like rings on a tree trunk.

  37. I don’t know exactly who I will be in ten years from now, but based on the first 36 years, I have a feeling that my empathy and stubbornness will remain fully intact.

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