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K.A. Coleman

Wandering Thoughts

"We're All Mad Here"
~Lewis Carroll

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Letter 8: The Full Picture

Dear ________________________, I’ve spent most of my life covering for you. “X didn’t mean it that way.” “ “X will calm down in a few...

Letter #7: The Secret to Happiness

“Jeff, listen up. This girl is going to tell you the secret, the secret to happiness!” It is Saturday evening, and my roommates and I are...

Letter 5: gas stove

You pulled hell out of the bowels of the earth, Knowing that I’d wade through such flames for you, When you left me in black ashes that...

Letter 3: Shattered but Stronger

To the First Person Who Broke My Heart, You made me feel self conscious. You made me aware of what other people think of me. You...

Letter 2: What If?

Dear _______, For three years of high school, we were on the same track team. We would see each other at practice. We would do workouts...

Letter 1: I Wish You the Best

To the First Person Who Broke My Heart, I would like to begin by saying that I hope you are well and I I hope that you are happy. I have...

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